
What is the device?

The Thermometer reads your body temperature wirelessly. The device is connected to the Minder App so the data uploads directly.

Why is it part of the study?

The Thermometer helps us look after participants’ health, including detecting infections early. Understanding their general health can also help us make sense of other data from the house.

How does it work?

The Thermometer uses 16 infrared sensors to provide a highly accurate result of a participant’s temperature without direct contact. This makes it a more hygienic and non-invasive measure of body temperature. Results are sent to the Minder App wirelessly.

How is the device used in the Living Lab?

We use it in the lab to test the platform, including the Minder dashboard and app, and demonstrate the whole system to visitors.

Which teams are developing and using the device?

The monitoring and clinical team use the temperature data to keep an eye on participants’ health and well-being.

Where can I find out more information about the device?

We use the thermometer from Withings.

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