Resources for study participants

This section of the website is designed for participants who are currently part of the Minder study. Participants in the following studies should visit these respective pages: InSleep, PCNorAD, ABHC

In this online resource you can find information on:

  1. Using your Activity Sensors
  2. Using your Interactive Devices
  3. Using your Tablet & Minder App

1. Activity Sensors

Some devices used in the Minder study require very little interaction and will just be in the background. These are the activity sensors.

2. Interactive Devices

Other devices used in the Minder study require you to take daily measurements. These are the Interactive Devices.

3. Your tablet & Minder app

You are provided with a Tablet Computer as part of the Minder study. This Tablet is an essential part of making your life easier during the Minder study.  

The Tablet Computer has Apps installed on it, which you will interact with on a regular basis. One of the main Apps you will use is the Minder App.